Jacks Photoblog

Saturday, August 26, 2006

waterrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr\ Posted by Picasa

I <3 the upper northwest Posted by Picasa

beauty Posted by Picasa

we swam in it Posted by Picasa

that water is 40 degrees. Posted by Picasa

it's frozen. Posted by Picasa

this is a waterfall Posted by Picasa

oo la la Posted by Picasa

ascade Posted by Picasa

<3 Posted by Picasa

they told me it was 38 after looking at the themometer Posted by Picasa

when I took my swim test I asked them how cold the water was because my body convulsed due to the temperature Posted by Picasa

that's a FROZEN lake.  Posted by Picasa

more mountains Posted by Picasa

mountains! Posted by Picasa

another sun rise Posted by Picasa

kayaking Posted by Picasa

pretty Posted by Picasa

it didn't hold up Posted by Picasa

they man made it :D Posted by Picasa

trees Posted by Picasa

that's 45-50 degree water. Posted by Picasa

canoe! Posted by Picasa

it's no longer 5 am Posted by Picasa

<3 pretty Posted by Picasa