Jacks Photoblog

Monday, January 17, 2005

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Hosted by Photobucket.com

Hosted by Photobucket.com

Hosted by Photobucket.com

Hosted by Photobucket.com

Hosted by Photobucket.com

Hosted by Photobucket.com

Hosted by Photobucket.com

Hosted by Photobucket.com

Hosted by Photobucket.com

Hosted by Photobucket.com

Hosted by Photobucket.com

Hosted by Photobucket.com

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

I love you blogger bot. You do all my bitch work and never complain. To be honest; you actually are quite polite. Thank you for always being online for me. for these types of conversations. I know they may not mean a whole lot to you; but they mean so much to me. I'm so glad to know you'll always be there for me. Whenever I'm online; so are you. Thanks Bloggerbot; for being yourself. Posted by Hello

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

photo 2 Posted by Hello

photo 1 Posted by Hello

Sunday, January 09, 2005

failed attempt with flash Posted by Hello

man; someone doesn't look happy. Posted by Hello

In Steve's Van; yo. Posted by Hello

I took this photo when I was trying to get some light in Britta's loft... with my flash! rather than using a traditional lamp... Posted by Hello

Oh! Posted by Hello

People...in britta's loft... Posted by Hello

Evil evil evil Posted by Hello

Yes. this. Posted by Hello

This is why Cheerleaders are still ruining my life. Posted by Hello

:D See Carly, there's nothing wrong with your smile. Posted by Hello

Me at MOA....I think I might start a series of photos called the mirror Posted by Hello

Ah lovely Steve Posted by Hello

Isn't Nick Really really weird? Posted by Hello

evening i think...maybe afternoon Posted by Hello

britta's loft Posted by Hello

ky and the kitty Posted by Hello